Thursday, 19 May 2016


      I have been receiving quite a bit of feedback about the Go Fund Me Website this week since I launched my own campaign in trying to raise $5,000.00 for the publishing of my book. I also went on that site myself to check out what exactly people need the money for and to say the least I was shocked. I get that there is a need for everything out there from weddings, medical equipment, vet bills, charities, business investment and yes even all kinds of people who have written books for publishing ventures like my own.
      What we need however is to establish the "Want" from the "Need!" so just how do we do that.
      Well, to start off with a need is defined as to require something because it is essential or very important. Another way to put it is expressing necessity or obligation which is quite simply a circumstance in which something is necessary.
       Therefore is having say, electricity in your home a want or a need? I would say need because you have to use it for things like cooking, reading, or watching TV. What about heat, is that a need? well of course, without it, especially in our Alberta Winters, a person would surely perish. What about water? is that a want or need. Again I would say it is a need, as over 60 percent of the human adult body is water. The brain and heart are composed of 73 percent water along with the lungs which are about 83 percent of H2O. So of course water is definitely a need right?
      Now let's get into want, oh yes the greed, the desire to possess something or wish for it? Maybe even a demand, a longing for, a yearning which inevitably leads to craving it!
       Therefore, a want quite simply put is a luxury, so getting back to Go Fund Me, websites are they mostly want or need? You're absolutely right, most are wants.
        I am not disputing that if a boy who has terminal cancer, or a girl that needs an operation for a new leg is necessary. Those are truly legitimate needs. What about a woman that has to have an operation for her goat, or it will die. Ah ha, that is a want, now isn't it? I mean it's sad, but again it's not a need.
       So here's one, is sex a need or a want then? Obviously, that can be construed as both right?
       All of us have a desire to feel wanted, loved or held, so I say sex is actually more of a need, because we could actually die from it, due to health complications of depression, anxiety and yes even suicide.
       So that brings me to the publishing of my first book. Is it a want or a need. Well,of course, it is a want. I mean I certainly won't die if you people don't help me to raise funds for my book.
       I mean can you blame a guy for wanting to create a better life for himself, by leaving a career that he really doesn't care about anymore. Can't you see, that my writing will help me to attain more time with my wife, my family, and inevitably my grandchildren. That's all I ask, not much, just a bit of a push to get me, what I want!
      However I strongly feel that I can not only entertain you in my upcoming series of books, the first being "Temporary Satisfaction" but I also feel you can probably learn a few things in the process.
      In conclusion, I want to thank everyone for your comments whether they be positive or negative. Have a great week!
        Here is another page from my book "Temporary Satisfaction" enjoy....
        It was dear sweet Celina Wachovia who taught me that phrase. She was always in the kitchen fixing baked goodies and tidying up.  It’s been 52 years and I still cannot forget that saying to this very day.
       I should also mention our unusual neighbour, Old Tom, an elderly single gentleman who lived all by himself. Instead, of chumming around with other kids my age, I found it more intriguing to visit Old Tom, usually just after I came home after school was out. We would watch episodes of Gilligan’s Island while munching on Peanut Butter and Jam sandwiches with a glass of milk.
 In my 6th year of 1970, I had made it to Grade-1, the same year that Richard Nixon had just become President of the United States. Meanwhile Pierre Elliot Trudeau was our Prime Minister in Canada.
 My new teacher was Mrs. Anderson, although I was now reading well; I was still finding it difficult in following directions accurately, plus still needing that extra special attention. I was also having problems in printing on the lines and I was talking to myself a lot. If I was given too much to do, I got frustrated with myself and would just sit there and stay in a bad mood for the rest of the day. My problems in mathematics started to surface here in Grade-1 as well. As for my home-life, I guess it would be considered normal for that time period. I do recall that my Mom and Dad were always, both working to pay the bills. My Mom also worked part-time for my Grandpa Wade in his catering business at Harvey Woods. My Dad was an Architect’s Assistant who was instrumental in designing fire-trucks at King Seagrave.
  Our neighbor Julia was kind of like a big sister to Chuck and I. You see, Julia was the type you could play checkers and monopoly with, a real tomboy of sorts. Furthermore, Chuck and I would always get invited to visit the Wachovia’s and have tea, polish sausage and cake.  Mrs. Wachovia would make this most scrumptious and tasty yellow yeast cake from scratch. In fact all their kids would eat everything homemade; nothing ever, even came out of a can.  
    If truth be told, my neighbour’s daughter Fallon Wachovia was my first boyhood crush! Fallon was always the one I would hear about from her younger sister Julia. She would tell me about her teaching French out in Montreal, Quebec. It always sounded so mysterious and far away to me.Fallon was probably my first “Puppy Love.” In my eyes she was this striking green-eyed goddess but the problem was she was rarely at home. When she was though, I became glued to her literally and following her around her home like a love sick puppy dog.
          I have a few sad and even frightening memories living by the Woodstock fairgrounds to tell you. One day, when I was around 6 years old a real terrifying incident happened. I was playing with my dinky cars in my sandbox like I always did, especially on those real hot days. The forecast was for overcast skies but the clouds were dark and foreboding. My Mom was in the house doing the laundry and my brother Chuck was having his afternoon nap. I was all by myself out in the backyard, when nobody was around. Next thing it starts to rain, but I continue playing in my sandbox being in my own little world. It rains even harder now and a large crack of thunder is heard rumbling near me. I look up in the sky and a long bolt of lightning escapes out of the clouds and heads right from where I am sitting. That electric coil splits the tree trunk beside my sandbox, and then I screamed so loud running back into the house.Yep, I ran right in the kitchen with wet pants and it wasn’t from the rain either.
    Another terrible memory I will never forget happened there too. It was the sudden tragic death of my beloved cat, Tinker Bell. The worst part about it was it occurred around the following Christmas.Tinkerbell, like all cats that are around a Christmas tree was very curious and would swipe at the icicles with her front paws. Her target was hanging beneath the tree until the thin shiny short strands would fall onto the carpet. Then she would ingest them; probably thinking they were cat treats.  What they actually did was wrap around her tiny little intestines, which would in turn put plenty of pressure on her tiny heart, thus cutting off the blood supply quite quickly. Now, this would have been an extremely painful and excruciating death for an animal. I relived this story to let all of you pet lovers know and realize the danger of these heart-stoppers. If you don’t have pets but maybe you have small infant toddlers instead. Don’t let these shiny heart- killers come between your most loved of pets or your own young children!
    I will never forget that day I buried my beloved cat, Tinker Bell. It was under that old birch-tree that lightning had torn apart. I had wrapped her limp body, in a rag and placed her in a shoebox with a short note enclosed in it.
    There were these words I wrote: “Dear Tinker bell, I loved you very much, now I’m without you....signed your Master... Brian.
    Wow, what a downer that was right? Ok well on a more humorous note, I do recall being the neighbourhood showboat!
    We had an old black-iron steel monkey-bar set that my Dad had made for us. He had gotten the iron from one of The Harvey Wood`s Plants and had a buddy of his weld them up for him. Around the end of every August was when the Woodstock Fair would come to town, and it so happened that we lived right across from those busy fairgrounds. My Dad charged about 25 to 50 cents for fair customers parking on our property. They would get out of their cars and there I would be sitting up on those monkey bars. I would be swinging and hanging upside down on occasion. Most of these times I would fall down on the ground, land on my butt or even fall on my face. It would hurt a bit, but because I had a captive audience, and was also to be noticed, I made the most out of it. I was always trying to be a movie star! In fact later on in my second book “Sidewinder” we will go more into my short lived attempt at the business of modelling and acting.
     All kids have problems when they start school and I was no exception. One of my biggest hang-ups was telling time. I always got the big hand mixed up with the little hand. That specific problem would haunt me right up till around Grade Six or so. Many times I was teased and even ridiculed for that on- going challenge of mine. It’s a good thing I have always had thick skin when it came to situations such as those. I thank “Timex” for the invention of the Digital Watch in helping me to master the art of telling time. In fact, upon my seventh birthday I received a watch with that magical digital insignia on it and never had problems telling time after that.

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