Thursday, 10 November 2016


A Pitbull is your forever dog
They will walk through rain, snow, ice & fog.
This breed is so often misunderstood
Its because of idiots who use them to fight, the "Boys in the Hood!"
This is a dog that is even more human
and they sure ain't like Seinfeld's Neuman.
A Pitbull will get right into your heart and soul
When they eat, they tip the water and their food bowl.
They will lay on the floor, the rug, couch, and even your bed
Pitbulls come in all sizes and colors, browns, golds and red.
They will knock you down and lick your face
Our dog runs out the porch door, jumps in the air, like its a race.
They generally don't attack and their jaws do not lock
You might even find them jumping over the ocean's waves or even by the dock
They are named bullies, terriers, and even a staffy
You can feed them apples, pears and maybe some salt-water taffy
I have heard them called Sampson, Brodi, Okee and Copper
When you come home, they knock you down but make a great short stopper.
They chew on furniture, socks but their favorite is a stuffy
Their fur can feel like velvet, and smooth, it sure ain't fluffy.
They will dance, jump and run around your yard like it's the first time
I hope you like this poem on them as it seems to rhyme.
A Pitbull will look at you in awe and affection
They will jump and crawl over you, so you need to use your arms in deflection.
They love walks, the outside, and even rides in your car.
You must walk them on a leash at all times so they don't get too far.
There is no more love in this world that a dog like this can give
They will always be your buddy as they sure know how to live.
They drink lots of water, love treats but are sloppy eaters
However when the door bells rings, sometimes they aren't the best door greeters.
They will watch in the window and wait until their master comes home
When they see you, they'll jump on you, messing your hair, so you'll need a brush or a comb
Why they are banned in so many cities and towns I do not know
 It's sad to see so many in shelters row upon row.
 For certain reasons they have become such a hated breed
Buts its not the Pitbull, but mostly it's owner that does the bad deed
So yes, you could say I am biased but not all these dogs are good
It's the lonely, deprived unsociable ones that are often misunderstood
In fact, I have owned many of these wonderful dogs
Some were black and white,with brown spots that could have resembled hogs
It really doesn't matter what they look like, this bully breed has something for you
They can make your bad day go away, so your not so blue.
They will cuddle with you, lie beside and even fight for you until their dying breath!
They have names, like Jack Sparrow, Dancer, Fire, and even Beth
Sadly, their life expectancy is around 8 to 15 years.
So let's raise a glass to the Pitbull, they deserve our cheers.
They come in all sizes and shapes, and yes they have a loud bark
They love to hide under your covers, as some are scared of the dark.
They have big heads, and a large furry body.
They look colorful, in their golden hues and browns, this dog is such a hotty.
So nothing more about this wonderful breed needs to be said.
In fact, my dogs just went to sleep on my bed
I so needed to write these things about this wonderful Pitbull, dog
If you ever own one, you'll thank me for this blog.
Some of you have been asking about my upcoming book "Sidewinder" so in that spirit, I have taken another excerpt out of this book. This was when we first got out Pitbulls Sampson and Brodi.
         In the meantime, I was reduced to the role of “Mr. Mom” at home, which was also good for my step kids. I was also missing my dog Taro so much too, that it was suggested to me to go to this place called “Klassic Kennels” just outside of Red Deer to look at some dogs. Reluctantly I did this on my own and came home with what I thought, was my new friend.
        Her name was Tasha, a beautiful white Sheppard, a bit shy but I thought she had potential, to be a good pet for me. However, after that winter we had, it was quite apparent that Tasha was no Taro, so we weren’t bonding that well either. I mean she wasn’t vicious or anything like that, she just liked being outside all the time. I mean I had tried to spend time with her but due to my ongoing job search, I was so immersed in finding employment once again.
         Now also in that period, unbeknownst to both Carol and I, that Skyler had been searching for dogs on the internet on our home computer. Not just any breed of dog but the breed of dog commonly hated by the media, at that time, known as Pitbulls!
         I sure don’t need to get into the semantics of what a Pitbull Breed Dog is, as we have all heard through the media as to the temperament of these dogs. In additions to that very thing law enforcement agencies had reported these dogs were being used for nefarious purposes in the past. This activity included guarding illegal narcotic operations which were being used against the police, as well as drug enforcement agencies. I truly believe when a great number of these attacks started in different states, back in 1979 to 1988 there was more media scrutiny to corroborate this.
         First of all, I would like to say most of the negative stuff you hear about these wonderful dogs is pure “Bull Shit!” They are without a doubt, one of the most tactile dogs you could ever own, and mainly I say this from experience having owned these wonderful animals. Their jaws do not lock up like you have heard, it is just that they can exhibit a bite, hold or “shake behavior” and yes even at times refuse to release whatever is in its jaws. These animals have wide skulls, where the brain has room to develop with complete space, well-developed muscle and of course very strong jaws.
         In point of truth, when you hear of a “Pitbull Attack” for no apparent reason it is usually those of a “Mixed Breed” In other words, as their skulls develop this usually puts pressure on their brains, causing enormous discomfort and even pain. You have all heard the phrase “the dog just attacked that person and went mad!” That is what is meant by that but more importantly and I cannot stress this enough, it is how they are raised from birth! All you must do is show an animal, no matter what breed it is, complete love, nurturing and respect!  Now as they grow up to from puppy to an adult dog, they most likely will act that very way. There’s an old saying, “Punish the deed, not the breed!” You can’t tell me there are not German Shepherds, or Akita, maybe Rottweiler or even Black Lab attacks going on in this world we live in. It is more often the owners who train these dogs to be aggressive and non-responsive to human kindness. Naturally, if any dog is placed in a situation where it must fight to survive, it’s their very nature to fight if it’s cornered or threatened?  Today in the day and age, tell me why Pitbulls are now filling roles as companion dogs for the elderly. They also make great police dogs, along with therapy dogs for the blind or those with other health issues. That’s kind of my rant and rave on this subject for now. We got off topic there for a bit but now back to my story at hand.
        So now October of this same terrible year rolls around and my stepdaughter Skyler had decided to purchase two Pitbull Puppies from a breeder in Mackenzie British Columbia. The problem was she didn’t have any money so she came to me with her baby blue eyes and pleaded her case. I was to send $200.00 to someone I don’t even know on the internet for the purchase of two puppies, I mean we might as well black and white it right? Did I fall for the presumed scam, or did I deny Skyler the opportunity to own this controversial breed of animal? Well, on a whim and a prayer I sent the money to the breeder, on my stepdaughter’s belief that everything would work out fine. After a week went by, I became a bit worried as I felt maybe we had been ripped off! My fears regarding that were overcome when the following week, I received a phone call from security at the Edmonton International Airport. They stated on the phone we had a package that arrived from Mackenzie BC in the form of two small puppies. So the kid's Dad, Hank travelled out to Edmonton and brought home for us, two additions to our family. Skyler named the small brindle brown and white “Pitbull-Pup Brodi” after a punk rock chick in a rock band she liked. She was white with brown spotted markings and very petite and lady-like. The other pup that was a bit larger but had really cool markings too, including mostly white fur to start off with.
     However, he did have brown markings in spots on his rear end even browner spots on the right side. The larger pup also had a larger brown patch that wrapped around behind his neck and down to his left paw. The right side of the pup’s face was darker brown patched as well as around his right eye, a remarkable array of markings! Skyler named him mighty Sampson or just Sampson for short, but later we ended up calling him Sam. The funny thing was that because I had Tasha now, Carol had decided it best to give Sampson up to one of Jack’s best friend Canton. Ironically, this kid had a very sordid past of drugs, booze, plus his Dad and Mom weren’t any better at the time either. Obviously, we both had grave concerns about giving Sampson to Jack’s friend Canton.
      Furthermore, Tasha seemed to enjoy the new pup’s company. I mean she wasn’t playing with them that much, but she wasn’t hurting them at all. I don’t know what it was, but Tasha changed her attitude towards our family, as she became more reserved, plus she always wanted to spend time outside. She sure wasn’t an indoor dog, probably more suited to live out on a farm somewhere. Moreover, we still had to see if Canton was going to take Sampson and give us the hundred bucks for him. After a couple of weeks went by, Carol seemed to get quite attached to Sampson and I as well. When Canton decided he couldn’t take Sampson, we both made a decision to keep him but take Tasha back to “Classic Kennel” where I had got her from. The story did end well for Tasha, too though as she got what she wanted, a new farm setting, just outside of Sylvan Lake. 

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