For instance, Maggie Santiago from Richardson Texas recently wrote to me about her experience with the "Bully Breed" Apparently her oldest daughter breeds and shows American Pitbull Terriers. Not only that, but she is a judge as well for the ADBA sanctioned shows. Her youngest daughter, as well as herself, has helped with the fitness training for confirmation shows along with weight pulling competitions.
Maggie has also assisted in the whelping and caring of multiple litters. Since moving to Texas, three years ago, she has found herself enlightening people on responsible ownership of dogs in general. However, there is always some uneducated, ignorant person, commenting to her on the misinformation about Pitbulls.
Tracy Rehmel recently sent me an amazing story of her Pitbull dog "Junior" They recently saved a "Korean Jindo" who was rescued from a "Korean Dog Meat Farm" They used Junior for this to teach her, with his calm disposition and gentle personality. Junior showed this rescue dog how to be a real mutt. Tracy walks with them together on a leash with Junior by her side.
Unfortunately, like all rescue dogs of one sort or another, Hope has quite a bit of trauma due to the previous torture, she sustained at the hands of Korean dog handlers. This is because these dogs go through such a large amount of trauma due to the fact they are about to going to be slaughtered!
It seems that Junior is teaching Hope to not be so afraid of things, plus he shows a real interest in her and protects her.
Robert Lower is 68 years old from Warren, Ohio is a Vietnam War Vet from 1969 and 1970. Surprisingly, he not only owns 5 dogs but one of them is actually a Pitbull! he adopted his "Sleepy" as another one of those ill-forgotten rescue dogs. She was used for dog fighting and her face was all cut up when he got her. He is proud to say that he has had her for about 10 years now and of all the dogs he owns, she is his favorite.Sleepy is very tactful and of course, always has to be beside Robert or touching him. Robert was heavily involved in combat in the Vietnam war and was subjected to the dreaded "Agent Orange" which occurred in Saigon. His story is one of many, where he had met a Viet Cong girl that he fell in love with. Unfortunately, due to the war at the time, he lost track of her, from being stationed elsewhere. Despite it all, Sleepy has been there for his emotional torment and trauma he endured for the last decade. Sadly, like a good many "War Vets" Robert lives in the basement of a home, where in talking to him, I am afraid to say the accommodations are less than adequate.
Robert has even run a marathon back on December 1, 1991, among his many accomplishments. He even received a medal of commendation after he returned from the war as well.
Regrettably, Robert lost his own Father to "Agent Orange" suffering from Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease. At the time, he was a nursing student, who found a lot of the medications that the VA prescribed as complete useless bullshit! in his words.

The first pic is of Robert Lower's pitbull mix, Sleepy rescued from a dog fighting ring.The map clearly shows where Robert was stationed during the Vietnam War of 1969 and 1970.
This picture is from the 1991 Marathon Robert ran in Memphis, Tennessee at a time of three hours and fourteen minutes. Robert for all you have done, and in great service to your country of the United States of America, Pitbull Trucking, salutes you!
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